Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Monarch Preview

This entry is going to be updated at intervals of when-I-feel-like-it in order to keep track of what's coming up in Monarch Moment Land. (The Monarch Moment Municipality? On Monarch Moment Mountain?) This is mostly for my own planning purposes, but it's also here for you if you get curious about the near future of the feature. Be warned, though, dates are very subject to change.

Here's what's planned for the next few weeks of monarching:

Monday the 10th: The Hundred Years War: What's up with That?

Monday the 17th: Edward III

Sometime that week: The Children of Edward III

Monday the 24th: Richard II

Monday the 31st: Henry IV

Monday the 7th of September: Henry V

Monday the 14th: Henry VI

Then, Oh My Goodness, It's the Wars of the Roses!

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