Sunday, December 9, 2007

The Golden Compass

The Golden Compass didn't do as well as it was supposed to this weekend. USA Today thinks it's because of the antipathy of religious groups. And I suppose that's possible. But it also could be because it probably, you know, sucks.

If it were getting good reviews, I--for instance--would totally go see it. Sure, the author is some sort of atheist, but any atheists who decided to boycott The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe missed out on a pretty sweet movie.

But then, of course, that movie was actually good, and not (as The Golden Compass apparently is) all talky exposition and no character development.

I just don't think that a movie should get let off the hook for being lousy just because "those darn Christians are riled up again!" I guess we'll see if it holds up in final analysis. It would be like that time people decided Fran should be fired for the amoral email newsletter, making everyone forget that he should have been fired for being a lousy coach.


Unknown said...

Oh no! I'm sad to hear it's not getting great reviews - the books were so good! Oh well..It's still going to be my treat as soon as finals are over. =)

Hater Hater said...

Chronicles of Narnia also sucked. Good books, boring movie. Golden Compass good books, boring movie. The reviews for the Chronicles were lukewarm at best (although admittedly better than those for Compass). I am going to see it but only because I heart Daniel Craig, and yes I am that shallow. thanks for the books by the way and travel safe. I will be enjoying the warmer climate and Big 12 news on TV!

Unknown said...

Well, I just got back from the movie, and must say that it doesn't quite compare to the books (which I'm re-reading over the break), though I expected as much. It's always sad when all the rich details of a book don't make it to the big screen. Oh well. =)