So far at the library, I know how to
1. Check in books
2. Check out books (as long as the customer--oops, I mean "patron"--doesn't need anything too complicated)
3. Collect overdue fees
4. Shelve books
5. Sensitize books
6. Desensitize books
7. Give out library cards (this is my newest skill, which acquired today. [We'll see how well I retain all the details.])
One AWESOME thing I found out today, because today was the first time I worked until the library closed, is that when closing time rolls around? Everybody just. stops. No cleanup, no finishing check-in piles, no nothing. Just turn off the computers and leave. It's magical.
Gloomy Tuesday
18 hours ago
Is "sensitizing" when you rub the spine of the book on that thing?
I think that is desensitizing?
They both involve rubbing spines on things (and different libraries use different things for each action), but basically, if you're leaving with the books, they get desensitized; if the books are just coming in, they get sensitized.
But the real question is - Is that really necessary? Do a lot of people try to steal books from the library?
Well, not a lot, no. But the first day I was there, some kid did try to steal a bunch of stuff, and our male librarian (for which "guybrarian" is my favorite term) stopped him and threatened to call the police. It was pretty exciting.
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