Monday, September 3, 2007

Variations on a Theme

After I found those Big XII coaches-as-South-Park-characters, I went looking for more. I was not as successful at finding people-as-South-Park-characters as I had hoped, but I did find a few things.

There are actually several sets of SouthParkified football coaches. My favorite example is the Big T(elev)en coaches (with Jim Tressel not looking nearly adorable enough, but sufficiently sweater-vested). Click here to see it full-sized--it's really pretty well done.

I also found Jane Austen (and some Jane Austen characters).

And a parody of those "I'm a Mac, I'm a PC"commercials.

. . . But my favorite result of the search is still the composite sketch of the four kids from an episode of South Park.

That was actually my desktop image for awhile. Because it's so great.