Wednesday, October 31, 2007


As promised--pumpkins.

Here's me with my Strong Bad (the red in his mouth is just the candle).

And here's my gentleman caller with a more classic jack-o-lantern.

My Strong Bad took me much labor and hardship. Neal's jack-o-lantern took good ol' fashioned knifing. Both have their strong points.

For instance, my Strong Bad's face has kind of wilted. Oh well. It's not like I've gotten any trick-or-treaters anyway.

More mini-Twix for me!


Nancy said...

I love your strongbad pumpkin. it is pretty kickass. oh, and neal's is pretty cool too.

Unknown said...

Awesome! You're so talented! =)

Nancy said...

I just remembered - if you put vaseline on the carved parts, it will keep your pumpkin from wilting as much. it feels really gross when you do it (greasy vaseline + slimy pumpkin), but it really does work. I've also heard you can put your pumkin in a bathtub full of water to rehydrate it, but that might be a little extreme.

Tina said...

Great work!