I finally got my hair cut a month or two ago--I grew it way out for the wedding, and then continued to grow it out just because I hate getting my hair cut. They rarely get my part in the right place. Many beauticians will tell you that it doesn't matter where they part your hair when they cut it, and that is a dirty, unconscionable lie that infuriates me to no end. I've had more than one haircut ruined by a hank of hair that flips in where it should flip out or vice versa, because it didn't get parted onto the correct side.
What drove me to bite the bullet and get it cut was that it was taking so long to dry my hair, and I hate drying my hair. It's boring and loud. I skip it altogether when I can, but it's not really possible to just sit around with sopping hair during the Wisconsin winter. Even indoors. It stil takes a while to dry. According to the girl who cut my hair (who I'm going back to next time, on account of her correct hair-parting), it takes so long because my hair is so healthy that it absorbs a lot of water. I now sometimes wonder, usually as I dry and dry and dry my hair, whether I should bleach and/or perm the heck out of it. It probaby wouldn't be worth it.
I've started letting my gray hairs grow out. I've had a few grays for several years now, but I used to pluck them. At some point, I decided I should just suck it up and accept them. The weird thing is, I only have about a half-dozen or so gray hairs, but they're all in the same small area. It was Neal who pointed out to me that this means I'll probably end up with a stripe. If I'm lucky, it will be a Stacey London-type stripe
and not a Bonnie Raitt shock
Or, heaven forfend, a pre-makeover Wendy Pepper debacle.
Gloomy Tuesday
18 hours ago
What? People my age are getting gray hair? How of are we?
Oh, wait. I haven't been to grad school yet. Maybe that's why I don't have 'em.
That should say "How old are we". Stupid iPhone.
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