Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Something Wonderful Happened This Weekend

We got a couch!

My roommate and I have long wandered in a wilderness of couchlessness, but all that is now behind us. We found a couch at the furniture store two doors down, and it's big, smooshy, comfortable, and ugly--in short, it's perfect.

It has even brought our cats closer together.

My estimate is that this couch will improve my life by approximately 15%.


AVH said...

You have a Joey cat! Sweet.

By the way, a "Joey cat" is any black and white cat that remotely resembles my cat Joey. I feel she should be a prototype for a new breed, but since I don't believe in cloning and she has no uterus, I don't think I'll be very sucessful. Hence, just calling all black and white cats Joey cat is the best I can do.

Rachel said...

Clancy has many other similarities to Joey besides coloring. He's friendly, mellow, and very . . . solidly built. It's like picking up a small bag of cement, covered in fur.

AVH said...

Joey cats are about the coolest cats there are. Small bags of cement are fun!