Dear Grey's Anatomy,
Well, this isn't going to be easy, but I think we've both known this was coming for quite a while now. I . . . we . . . it's over between us. It just is.
Don't get me wrong, we had a lot of fun. Remember when George was a sweetie? And when Burke and Cristina were just starting their relationship? And when Bailey got lots of screen time and was constantly awesome? Those were good times. But, I've got to be honest with you, you've changed. It's all weird, dark, unbelievable drama with you now. It's all bizarre, too-quickly-paced relationship plots and none of the good old-fashioned hospital stuff. And nobody has fun anymore, Grey's Anatomy. Not the characters, and not me.
Your creator has told me the fun will be back next year, but I can't keep waiting around for promises I don't think you're going to keep.
I'll cherish your Season One and Two DVDs for a long time, but you're going to have to carry on with Season Four (and any other seasons you may get to do--word of friendly warning: I'm not sure how many that will be) without me.
Best wishes,
* * * * * * *
Dear Kelly Clarkson,
How do I put this? . . . You are SO AWESOME. I mean, who knew, after you won that dumb show, that you'd become a real/interesting singer? I love your new song* and I love that you wrote it yourself and I love that it's pure, unbridled anger. I mean, you know how I feel about Angry White Girl Music (LOVE IT), and I really think you're the reigning queen of the genre. (Don't tell Avril I said that. I think it would hurt her feelings. She'd try to hide it, but it would.)
I want to be you when I grow up.
PS: I also love that you look like a real (albeit real cute) person. Well done on not weighing 85 pounds.
Gloomy Tuesday
18 hours ago
Dear Rachel,
While we differ on historical favor, we are completely in sync on angry white girl music. Can't help but love K Clarkson, and keep falling in love with Avril. Is this a problem? On the surface, perhaps. After all, they are aiming at a teenage audience. But when you listen to music and lyrics that go that well, you just gotta love em.
I listen to Pandora at work and I will admit it: I have a station named "I wish I were in High School."
Kelly and Avril have both been known to show up there from time to time.
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