A blog recap carnival, apparently.
I'm going to do a variation on what MacKenzie suggested I should do (well, not me specifically, but people who read her blog, and she knows I am one of them). Except instead of posting the first line from my first blog post of each month of 2009, I'm going to post the first line of the post I like best from each month of 2009. (Mostly because my first post from April was distressingly lame.)
Carnival time!
January: I found this out a while back from Television Without Pity, but I wasn't excited to write about it because it's a bummer.
That's from "Chronicling Me Some Narnia, Part 3" in which I explained that Disney was dumping Voyage of the Dawn Treader (and it must be official by now that nobody's picked it up; I haven't heard anything about it). Then I talked about the cinematic (and non-cinematic) qualities of the last five Narnia books. I really enjoyed everybody's comments on that one.
February: A few weeks ago, Neal and I were extremely excited to see that there was a Sonic being built in Middleton.
But not as excited as everyone else in the greater Madison area. We have managed to eat at Sonic a handful of times since I wrote that story, but not as often as I had expected, since it's on the other side of town.
March: Bobble Billy came into my life serendipitously--Nancy's sister acquired him at a basketball game (before I even started attending them), but she wasn't very hardcore in her Aggie basketball fandom, so she asked Nancy if she wanted him.
That's from "Where Are They Now?: Bobble Billy". Since I wrote it, Real Life Billy has indeed been fired from the University of Kentucky and, puzzlingly, hasn't found a different job. He has had a high-profile DUI arrest, though, so that's . . . something?
April: I impulse-bought a ruler today!
It was, as advertised, "A Fascinating Tale from my Daily Adventures." Man, I am so glad I finally got a job later that month.
May: Tonight is the season finale of The Big Bang Theory (on CBS at 7:00 in the best timezone), so today seemed as good a time as any to share my thoughts about the show.
I hope you guys don't mind that I fancy myself a TV critic and devote many, many entries to seriously analyzing dumb shows. I'd ask if you minded, but I probably couldn't bring myself to stop even if you said you did.
May also saw perhaps the greatest picture I've ever posted to this blog:
I still really need to make Spocktoberfest a real-life event.
June: One of the least disputable opinions about entertainment today is that Pixar is awesome.
Pixar is awesome.
July: I was inspired--inspired by a cartoon entitled "Dude Watchin' with the Brontës."
Oh man, I still need to write a blog post about the book I read by The Third Brontë. And maybe another book by the Brontë I liked best (Charlotte), but I haven't read it yet, so we'll see.
August: I'm glad everybody seems to like my reports about things I (or my co-workers) find in library items.
I would have linked to the best list of weird things in library items, but the first line is pretty gross.
September: A couple of weeks ago, I ran into A Situation with my Netflix.
It's not that I'm actually that proud of "My Nefarious Netflix Plan," but September is one of those months that blog entries were thin on the ground. (And I'm a little proud of my nefariousness.)
October: This guy showed up my work yesterday.
I'm glad I didn't have to put up with life-size cardboard cutouts of Twilight characters at my library for very long.
November: For reasons that shall become clear later, I watched both Cinderella and Sleeping Beauty today.
The reason I was referring to was my planned princess quiz (which is no nearer to completion than it was the last time I brought it up). That blog post surprised me because I bashed on Sleeping Beauty pretty hard and nobody defended it. Maybe it's less popular than I thought?
December: According to your friend and mine, the National Weather Service, "A BLIZZARD WARNING IS IN EFFECT UNTIL 12:00AM CST THURSDAY, DECEMBER 10."
The blizzard itself wasn't too bad--snow days rule, after all. The only problem was that it took the City of Madison four or five days to get the roads clear. The City of Madison is incompetent.
2009 was pretty good. Maybe 2010 will be even better!
Gloomy Tuesday
18 hours ago
According to IMDB, Fox has picked up Dawn Treader:
Hopefully it won't be awful!
Have you ever listened to the focus on the family radio productions of them? Craig and I just listened to the Silver Chair on our road trip and I really enjoyed it. That was partly helped by the fact that even though I know I have read it more than once, I couldn't remember much of what happened until it actually happened.
Also, you should be proud of your Nefarious Netflix Plan. That was some good thinking.
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