Dear bus people,
Just because it is (as WeatherBug matter-of-factly informs me) "bitterly cold" outside, that does not mean you should eschew deodorant.
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Dear Project Runway,
I wish you could be shown by a major network as a Writers' Strike Special. You're so much better than Dexter.
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Dear Fightin' Texas Aggie Men's Basketball Team,
Are you trying to kill me?
OK, that's unfair. I guess what I should be asking you after the (admittedly epic) quintuple overtime games is: are you trying to kill yourselves?
Let's focus on the positive, of which there is some. You certainly improved from the last two games. I paid $6 to watch last night on my computer, which besides turning out to be a pretty good deal, dollars-per-minutes-wise, was not a horrible, root-canal-like experience like paying to watch the K-State or Texas Tech games would have been (especially considering that I barely wanted to keep watching the former, even though it was free. And did quit listening to the latter partway through). You managed to stay in there against the best Big XII team you've faced so far. (And how weird is that to say about Baylor?!)
Also, on personal note to Bryan Davis here--you did good. You are now formally admitted to the prestigious rank of one of My Boys. That's right. I'm going to be saying things like, "Bryan Davis! He is MY BOY!" when you complete impressive plays. Congratulations.
However, let's not pretend you don't have major problems. Again, it seemed to me like you lost not because of the innate awesomeness of your opponent, but because you just couldn't get it together. Spotty defense, intermittent offense, and--most annoyingly--horrible free-throw shooting.
I'm going to put this bluntly: it is STUPID to miss 40% of your foul shots. Just stupid. You play Div I college basketball; it should not be a problem to make an uncontested and untimed shot. (Personal note to DeAndre Jordan: if you took a second or two before you randomly threw the ball near the basket, that would at least make it look like you care whether you miss or not.)
There were parts of the game where you, as a team, were hovering around 50% from the line. You know what? I shot 50% in the Dominoes Halftime Free Throw Challenge.
Listen, you know I still love you. Just--try to step it up a bit more, ok?
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Dear Fightin' Texas Aggie Women's Basketball Team,
I am even more perplexed about what your deal is. Holy cow. Do you think Gary Blair needs to be meaner? That's the only thing I can think of.
Gloomy Tuesday
18 hours ago
Dear Rachel,
Holy cow are you in my head? I mentally wrote the same letters to our teams, only I've been a B-Dav fan since last year (mostly because I'm enchanted by his freakishly long arms), and my letter to the women was not nearly as eloquent. It was more along the lines of "WTF mates?!?"
Good luck with the bitter cold. Just remember August in College Station. Ick.
ashpags =)
Oh yah, another "Keeping up with my correspondence" favorite.
I'm glad you like it!
FYI, I think all those bus people came to my Walmart yesterday. It was dreadful...
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