The weather here isn't . . . great this week.
According to the National Weather Service, we're getting the effects of an Alberta Clipper, which is a pretty name for "it's going to be colder and windier than you can shake a stick at." (Side note: one of these days, I want to literally shake a stick at something, just to do it.)
This is just one good reason why Neal and I didn't wait another six months to get married. When people came up here in July, everybody loovvvved Madison. Can you imagine if it were this weekend? (Saturday's high: a balmy 19!)
Yesterday, when it was warmer but snowy and cloudy, I took a picture with my phone from about the same spot:
See? Not as good. If you didn't know there was a lake there, you wouldn't be able to tell--and I mean in real life, too. I walked around on the lake when I was over there, and I only had a vague idea of where the shoreline was.
Gloomy Tuesday
18 hours ago
You also didn't want to compete with our anniversary, I'm sure. But you could have got some great deals, I bet!
Crap, if I match for an internship in Wisconsin, I'm gonna need a whole new wardrobe!!
FYI: My middle name is Alberta.
Well, it was. Before I got married. I dropped that shit ASAP.
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