Monday, February 23, 2009

Keeping Up With My Correspondence, All-Campus Edition

Dear guy on Library Mall who was handing out student government election flyers,

No, thanks; I'm a grad student.

And by "I'm a grad student" I do not mean "Please tailor your message to me as a grad student and explain why this election is 'important' to grad students as well as undergrads." I mean, "I spent four years at a different university caring about student government and that absorbed my entire capacity to care about student government forever. In perpetuity. For the entire duration of eternity."

Thanks and gig 'em,

* * * * * * * *

Dear librarian who was wearing a t-shirt,

Dude, did they invent Casual Monday while I wasn't looking?


* * * * * * * *

Dear guy who sat behind me in the library,

Quick question: are you an assassin sent to murder me by the most subtle and undetectable means possible? Because your constant, weird, half-sniffing, half-throat-clearing thing almost killed me.

Just wondering,


Unknown said...

And right when you say "In perpetuity." his head explodes, right? "Ack! Big words!" ;)

Anonymous said...

I love everything about this post, especially the last one. Perfection.