Saturday, February 14, 2009

Lions and Tigers, Only in Kenya!

I like it when I re-find awesome internet stuff. Like this!

If you don't feel like clicking the link, somebody put it on YouTube (the picture quality isn't as good, but it doesn't play on an endless loop):

So cute!

Also, here's a bunch of Japanese kids (as the YouTube description claims) singing Kenya. It's reasonably adorable.


Neal said...

To be honest, I think I would rather go to Norway.

Rachel said...

But . . . more like Snoreway!

Anonymous said...

I detect some high-level Bush-era fraaud here. Those kids have no uniforms and there is no Kanji on the wall; it says "LIBRARY". Dan Rather must be involved with this cute video.

MacKenzie said...

I think it is probably really small children in Asia (although maybe Japan is not the right country). It looks a lot like what Craig's sister described as her "American village" classroom in Korea.